Friday 29 March 2013

Time Captures Historic Week With Two Covers

This week, Time have issued two covers of their famous magazine; one of a male couple kissing, and the other of a female couple. This is marking what has become known as gay marriage week in America, where the Supreme Court is discussing the legality of the federal Defence of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8 case, both of which restrict the rights of people in gay partnerships. 

The covers are among the most iconic in Time’s history, and they both run
with the caption: “Gay Marriage Already Won.” The cover story is written by David Von Drehle, and he says that “the Supreme Court hasn’t made up its mind, but America has.” He goes on to write that “the rise of same-sex marriage from joke to commonplace is a story of converging strands of history.” The covers have created quite a stir online with the images being regularly shared and retweeted by social media users. Time managing editor Rick Stengel said there was much debate in their offices about the issues, but he said in a statement: “Some thought they were sensationalist and too in-your-face. Others felt the images were beautiful and symbolised the love that is at the heart of the idea of marriage. I agree with the latter, and I hope you do too.”

It is not the first occasion that Time has captured an iconic moment in history on their front cover, and here is a timeline of some of the most memorable. 

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